Keep an eye, our Tuscan almonds biscuits are GPI!
Our almonds biscuits are certified by Bioagricert as CANTUCCI TOSCANI IGP.
What does this certification mean?
GPI is the acronym for Protected Geographical Indication, a mark of origin by the European Union to those food products for which a certain quality, reputation or other characteristic depends on the geographical origin, and whose production, transformation and / or processing takes place in a specific geographical area.
In order to declare your cookies as CANTUCCI TOSCANI GPI, you must be a Tuscan company and follow the recipe and strict production rules established in the production specification.
In conclusion, having the PGI certification means guaranteeing the customer the respect of the traditional recipe, considered of such cultural value to be protected by the European Union.
If you are looking for classic CANTUCCI TOSCANI and you do not want surprises … follow the GPI stamps !!

Must raw materials be Tuscan?
It is important to remember that the PGI is more permissive than the PDO on the origin of the raw materials because its goal is to preserve a recipe and some production processes typical of the place, but not necessarily the origin of the product as a whole. With the same quality, we always give preference to local and Italian products, above all we want to know our suppliers and their production methods well, in order to have as much control as possible on the supply chain.
The PGI recipe requires that there are at least 20% of almonds in the dough and the butter, which make them become slightly crunchy.
The recipe for CANTUCCI TOSCANI PGI is more or less the same for everyone, but depending on the choices made, the difference can then be seen and felt!

Our cantucci are so good that we have made them for all tastes, from small and large recyclable paper bags, to boxes of 100% recycled paper small with only almonds and large assorted with chocolate biscuits. For Ho.Re.Ca we have bulk bags 😉

Now that you know our CANTUCCI TOSCANI GPI, run to your trusted shopkeeper, it cannot fail to have them!! Waiting … you can find all our references always fresh at our online shop: http://shop.fratellilunardi.en/